Friday 3 June 2011

Conference MSU - The Logic of Spatial Reproduction in Istanbul

in the framework of the workshop

Erbatur CAVUSOGLU - The Logic of Spatial Reproduction in Istanbul

18.04.2011 Conference MSU - Erbatur CAVUSOGLU - The Logic of Spatial Reproduction in Istanbul from Ayşe UZUN on Vimeo.

Korhan GUMUS - Mobilisations, Negotiations and Participation in the Urban Policy-Making Process

18.04.2011 Conference MSU - Korhan GUMUS - Mobilisations, Negotiations and Participation in the Urban Policy-Making Process from Ayşe UZUN on Vimeo.

Cihan BAYSAL - From Global Urban Peripheries to Istanbul's Gecekondus. Building the Right to the City

18.04.2011 Conference MSU Cihan BAYSAL - From Global Urban Peripheries to Istanbul's Gecekondus. Building the Right to the City from Ayşe UZUN on Vimeo.

Gizem AKSUMER - The Movement against Urban Transformation in Kazımkarabekir neighbourhood

19.04.2011 Conference MSU - Gizem AKSUMER - The Movement against Urban Transformation in Kazımkarabekir neighbourhood from Ayşe UZUN on Vimeo.

Yasar ADANALI - Neither Bottom-Up Mobilization not Top-Down Recognition Participation in Sulukule

19.04.2011 Conference MSU - Yasar ADANALI - Neither Bottom-Up Mobilization not Top-Down Recognition Participation in Sulukule from Ayşe UZUN on Vimeo.

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